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You are here: Home KV Series Plastic & Resin Kits 1/72 Scale PST Models #72027 Pz.Kpfw 753(r) w/ 7.5cm KwK

#72027 Pz.Kpfw 753(r) w/ 7.5cm KwK

This kit represents a KV-1 Model 1942 with reinforced cast turret, captured by the Germans and re-armed with a 7.5cm KwK 40 gun, plus numerous other German fittings including a commander’s cupola from the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.G.  PST’s German designation for the vehicle is in fact incorrect; this KV variant in German service was designated Pz.Kpfw KV-1 756(r).  The designation ‘753(r)’ was applied to KV-1 variants with welded turrets.

Only one such vehicle is known to have existed, and this was used by the 204th Panzer Regiment, 22nd Panzer Division in 1942.  Photographs indicate that this vehicle was indeed a Model 1942, though a late production example with circular mounting plates for the towing eyes and an early cast turret rather than the reinforced cast turret depicted in the kit.

The kit is identical to kit #72035 with the exception of a new decal sheet and instructions, so the comments made for that kit apply equally to this kit.  Kit #72035 includes all the parts to make this version, and this kit can also be used to create a 'standard' KV-1 Model 1942 with the reinforced cast turret.

The mounting plates for the towing eyes should be sanded away and replaced with circular ones from small styrene discs.  The kit does not include the German radio antenna or headlamps, so these must be sourced from the spares box for an accurate model.

The subject vehicle was fitted with an early cast turret, not the reinforced cast turret depicted in the kit.  This is a relatively easy modification in 1/72 scale.  Simply sand away the raised collar around the machine gun mount on the turret rear.  The thicker sides of the turret are scarcely noticeable in this scale.


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